Power Transformer Design Tool

  1. Power Supply Designer
  2. Power Transformer Design Software

. Design HT/LT Power & Distribution Transformers. Learn & Design HT/LT Transformers Online. Design Oil Type & Dry Type Transformers. Enter The Basic Inputs. And Wait For 60 seconds. Get Detailed HT/LT Winding Data Sheets.

Core Details With Chart. Tank & Oil Details. GTP. Estimation. Turn Ratio Error. Efficiency.

Refine Your Design - If Required. Un Limited Access. Earth crisis neutralize the threat rar file.

Power Supply Designer

With Many More FeaturesVeriSign-USA partnered & secured Payment Gateway with SSLtechnologyFree Online HT/LT Transformer Design/CT Design/Auxilliary Transformer Design. Now use our free online transformer design data calculator and get the design parameters instantly. You can design any type of transformer now - be it HT transformer, LT transformer, dry type transformer, oil type transformer, step down transformer, step up transformer, furnance transformer, isolation transformer, control transformer, auxilliary transformer, current transformer, CT, servo transformer design, copper (Cu) winding transformer, aluminium (Al) winding transformer, high voltage transformer, special purpose transformer welding transformer. You get winding data, estimation, temperature rise in transfprmer windings, oil temperature rise, axial forces, radial forces, tank design data, oil quantity calculation, GTP, winding data sheets. So you get every thing online instantly. About Transforme Design Software- Output DataAfter you enter the inputs details to the and finally you get theoutputparameters, below is the list of main heads under whichyou get the detailed output parameters to manufactureeither a distribution or a power transformer -Core Loss Curve:Object browser window contains information of components which are used to design & make an electrical control panel. The user can select component type whether - switchgear or accessory.

Then the switchgear is further classified into various types such as ACB, MCB, MCCB, SFU, COS etc., etc., Further the accessory is classified into meters, indicatores, fuses, selector switchws etc., etc.,. Finally, you can select the make (library) of the component you want to use to manufacture your panel. You can view proper ties of components from the object browser. Before using the components it shows you the specifications of the component when you selec a particular component so that before adding to the panel templet you can know the component specifications to save your time from deletion & again adding. Now our software is AutoCAD compatible. You can export tank drawings into.DXF formate. So modify your drawings in AutoCAD now.Core Lamination Chart:Before starting a panel design you need some basic information to be entered so that the software can use it to do the various calculations.

Power transformer design formula

Apart from entering the project & client details you need to give approximate dimensions of the panel you are going to design. No matter if your values are not correct. You just need to enter your assumed values.

Then it requires the bus bar position, base frame details, sheet gauge (SWG), mounting plate gauge etc. Then it requires the main frame structure sheet gauge, position of cable alleys. All this basic information is required to make detailed output data sheets.How does transformer designsoftware work?1 - Justenter the KVA rating, Impedance, NLL (No Load Losses),LS (Load Losses), select the flux density and pressthe ' Auto mode '.Within seconds you get various design outputs just showingyou the core and copper weights depending upon the enteredimpedance value. Select any set of values as per yourpreferred tolerance and you get the complete designdata of the distribution or (clearancesand certain other values are added as default valuesbut you can change as per your requirements),2 - Stillyou have the 'Manual' mode to change and finetune your design as per your requirement (if desired),3 - Changeno. Of HV coils/discs per limb, size of HV/LV conductor(s)- both round conductor and strip size, no. Of parallelLV conductors,4 - Youcan reset various clearances, change current density,conductor insulation as per your requirement and clientspecifications,5 - SelectHV winding type - Cross Over to Disc winding and vice-a - versa,Core Yoke Design Options:Depending upon the application, a panel can be a power control centre (PCC), motor control centre (MCC), distribution board (DB) or metering boards (MDB), desk type and instrumentation panel, feeder pillars, bus bar trunking and schematic circuit diagrame. This software has ready made templates to design any type of panel.

Just select a template as per your requirement & client specification and you find an outline of the panel you want to design. You can change the predefined dimensions before starting to design a panel. But the final dimensions would be calculated by the software itself once you have placed all the switchgears into it. The image on the left hand side shows template to design a power control centre (PCC).6 - Tappingdetails for OLTC and Off Load Tap Changer upto 25 steps.Enter any + step value through - step @ any% step value,7 - Youget values of Axial and radial forces developed in thewindings during short circuits, temp gradients for HVand LV, Thermal Time Constant and ability to withstandshortcircuits with winding temperature rise,8 - PressedSteel Radiator (PSR) data calculation added you getautomatic fixing dimensions of radiators - section width,CD and no. Options to select 226, 300 and 560width sections. Tank drawing details are generated automatically.9 - Featureadded to get winding data for an old transformer10 - GTP(Guaranteed Technical Particulars), Core details, core& winding assembly details, estimation and costingsheets are generated in the 'Word Format' for easy access,printing and sending the same via email to clients forapproval, in house departments like design, QC, purchase,estimation, production, despatch.

Power Transformer Design Software

So this distributionand saves time, energyand revenue. A must key tool for transformer designand training professionals and engineering students.HV Cross Over Winding:In case you are going to design a desk type panel, the software has a ready made template as shown on the left hand side. You have the option to change any of the dimensions before beginning. The tapered part can be set at any angle and its width be increased depending upon the accessories you are going to put on it. The panel can be floor mount type or a wall mount type depending upon your site and application requirements. The back can carry switchgears like MCB or MCCB with fuse and the connections are to be made on the plate itself.

Otherwise you can design a plate in circuit software and import that plate into it.Factors controlling and affectingthe design of a transformerPrincipleof operation of a transformer'A transformer is a static machine which works onthe principle of mutual induction. When a coil is placedin the vicinity of an other coil, an emf if generatedin the coil with the change in rate of magnetic flux associatedaround the other coil.' The transformer design software uses universal formulae and equations to do the calculations to design a transformer. The operational manual or handbook or book describe the complete operation to an engineer on how to use the transformer design software. The transformer design engineer can input the design parameters as per the required specifications. Its an engineer's calculator to design a transformer.HV Disc Winding:In case you are going to design a desk type panel, the software has a ready made template as shown on the left hand side. You have the option to change any of the dimensions before beginning.

The tapered part can be set at any angle and its width be increased depending upon the accessories you are going to put on it. The panel can be floor mount type or a wall mount type depending upon your site and application requirements.

The back can carry switchgears like MCB or MCCB with fuse and the connections are to be made on the plate itself.

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