Gdipfontcachev1 Dat File
Thanks but 'seems' you googled it as did I.What I'm really looking for is someone who's hopefully a MS certified tech to answer this question definitively. It appears to be to be a Fonts list (followed by some coded language) but I don't know what app created it or if it's supposed to reside in the Application Data folder.It's mentioned in a few of Computer associates malwares files and I guess 'linkgrabber', 'WebSearch Toolbar' and perhaps others but malware is notorious in that it alters what maybe a valid operational file.edit:Bingo. Solved it!File is created when I run (ohhh how I hate to admit this) Hallmark Card StudioThe fonts list in it made me try all the applications that might induce it's creation and low and behold after a process of trial and error.mystery solved.

You do in fact have malware on your computer, sorry. Learn how to cleanit up:Thanks to Malke, the greatest MVP there ever was. Too bad she has tolive in (or anywhere near) Fresno.' I was raised on a may-naise farm half-way between Visalia andBakersfield.
Right outa the eighth-grade mah bruther run over me with abackhoe. Sparks commenced and mah face caught on fire. Daddy run off theporch and put it out with a rake.
Then I growed up.' Tim TomersonAlthough I saw the best Loggins & Messina concert ever at the colledgethere.
Pablo Cruise opened. Frikkin rocked!Steve N. Hi Larry,Well, none of the various GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT files on my computer seem tohave any file versions associated with it on my PC. When I click Propertieson any of them, there isn't a Version tab available.In fact, if I right click on MOST of the 755.DAT files in my C: driveand check in Properties, I don't have a Version Tab shown.If any of these GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT files were part of a malware program,wouldn't Windows Defender, Ad-Aware, SpyBot, Pest-Patrol, etc. Flag any ofthem?Alan. I picked up this description off a website which may be of interest to you:'The gdipfontcachev1.dat file is dangerous to the computer system and yourprivacy. It belongs to a parasite, whose payload may differ depending on itstype.

While relatively harmless pests may use gdipfontcachev1.dat to degradesystem performance, display commercial advertisements or perform otherannoying actions, really dangerous parasites may use gdipfontcachev1.dat todamage your system, infect files, corrupt installed software and violate yourprivacy. DO NOT open this file!' The gdipfontcachev1.dat file is installed and used by LinkGrabber 99.Please note that the gdipfontcachev1.dat file actually may be a fullylegitimate part of the operating system or legitimate software. Oftenparasites use files with unsuspicious names, but malicious functionality. Youshould always carefully check the file before deleting it. It may not berelated with malware, but can be required by your essential programs to workproperly.'
Hi Alan,Sorry, my reply was misleading. I didn't mean check the version tab sincethat is easily alterable by editing the metadata.What I meant was to check the file size/hash against known good versionsinstalled by legitimate programs.There is every probability that all the versions on YOUR pc are legit. Thatis probably not the case with Questioner's pc since he/she tried to deletethe file. Something must have flagged the file to bring it to theirattention and make them try to delete it.-Larry Samuels Associate ExpertMS-MVP (2001-2005)Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 atExpert Zone.
It seems to be some kind of component of XML or other codinglanguage. I have this module on different OS'es (XP, Server 2003).There appears to be an instance in the Application Data subfolderof the profile and another one in the Local Settings tree.I was searching around for info and read through a certification forVisual.Net and it made reference to leaving the.Dat after uninstall.Whatever it's function, it doesn't seem to get accessed/updated asboth copies on my primary machine have quite old 'Last Modified'time stamps. The module is also found on a Windows 2000 instance.