Original W3m Maps Warcraft 3

  1. Maps Warcraft 3 Naruto
  2. Original W3m Maps Warcraft 3 Divide Y Conquista

I’ve made custom maps for my cousin and brothers and I for years. Its just warcraft III melee with more races. I add races, remove them, balance them and so on, been doing this for YEARSI found out just now that I can no longer load them on the World Editor, after spending 10+ minutes looking for them mind you. When I go to load them WITHIN the world editor, they dont show up. However, I did find them in the same folder they’ve always been in and tried to open them up from there but it just loads the blank map from when you start up the world editor. This is YEARS AND YEARS of work, how do I get them back?EDIT: All my object data is gone too!

Okay, no offense Alec2cool but i did something similar and here’s how it went for me:As a kid, I had a dell Windows XP computer where we had Warcraft 3 as a family. It was too much fun, so each time the family bought a new better computer we kept the old ones. Soon we had a family fleet of computers where each person could play Warcraft 3.This went on for a while, until I created my first favorite big RPG map and I learned how to protect it with a map protector. In the following months, my computer hard drive died. The only version of the map that continued to exist was protected, even from myself. Since then, in 2004, I did not mess around with worthless “map protection” file corruption tools.So, in 2004 we had set me up with a new hard drive. We were able to restore some of the maps.

Some of the other family computers had copied folders like “dellmaps” on their desktop or Maps folder, or “testdell”.These migrated into my new Warcraft III Maps folder on my new XP setup when we fixed everything in 2004-2005. So then if I wanted to play Warchasers, for example, I could go to “Maps/dellmaps/Scenario/(4)Warchasers.w3m” to play it, or also “Maps/Scenario/(4)Warchasers.w3m” to play it. And in those same directories we had custom maps.This XP computer lasted for a long time and then I started doing like you describe, adding custom races for my cousins/brothers for years. This created an incentive for me to create many copies of the game installation, each with their modified MPQs and different lists of races.

At some point I had messed with my game too much, so I reinstalled the game and I placed the backup of my old Maps folder in “Maps/FrozenThrone/Maps”.So now, if I wanted to play really old maps, I could go to “Maps/FrozenThrone/Maps/dellmaps/” and if I wanted maps from the more recent era, I could go to “Maps/FrozenThrone/Maps” and if I wanted the latest and most relevant maps I could go to “Maps/”. Each of these sub-folders had its own “Download” folder with all of the maps played socially with friends and family. As I began developing the custom races, this was in a map called “Maps/Download/New Race Test Map Retera.w3x” and soon I created copies like “Maps/Download/New Race Test Map Retera 2.w3x” and I used this as the main staging point for my changes for a very long time.But, we wanted to be able to play the custom races on any map file, so I began experimenting with SEMPQ technology and with modding the game client itself more deliberately. The modding that had caused me to reinstall was simply opening “war3patch.mpq” and adding my favorite custom models, which had created numerous issues.So it was about this time that I began making many copies of the game. “C:/THE RACE MOD” was a copy of my Warcraft 3 installation that included a modified “war3patch.mpq” to allow me to play our custom races with family.

At the same time, for other family members who didn’t want to reinstall the game and make a second copy like this, I had compatible SEMPQ applications and I remember giving them an EXE that would launch their Warcraft III installation into a custom mod with a modified main menu that would play the custom races, and then I joined their game using a non-EXE game client that simply had a modified “war3patch.mpq” that contained the same custom races.Eventually, I copied “C:/THE RACE MOD” to create “C:/THE RACE MOD - HEAVENS FALL” when I began to want to give our family mod a name. I also began keeping a folder in My Documents called “ModDevelopment” where I kept lots of the custom user contents that I injected into these modified clients. Around this time, my father said that playing World of Warcraft on my old Windows XP computer caused him to feel seasick, so we bought a new Windows 7 desktop computer for me to use, and I came to love that computer as truly my own for modding Warcraft.On that new computer, in “ModDevelopment/Data Files/Object Data” I began to save the custom unit data that went into the custom races project. This folder contains 31 backups across multiple years from each time that I would export the Object Editor data from the map with the custom races, as a staging area for deployment before I integrated them into MPQs.At the same time, there were too many model files in the custom races map for a standard computer to handle when using the World Editor, so the development of the content became fractured into multiple separate map files. Typically I would import the Object Editor data without all of the needed assets, then develop a custom race while importing models that I needed to play to the advantage of my old Warcraft III map developer habits of importing models into my current map to use.Then, when the race was finished, I would dump all of those assets into the superproject and export out the Object Editor data again. That was inconvenient, so I created another copy of my Warcraft III installation in “ModDevelopment/Editor” that included all of the assets of the mod inside of its “war3patch.mpq” but without any unit data, so that I could easily edit any of these fractured custom race data maps without worrying about imports.It was about this time that a giant nail was shot through my heart.

Vexorian’s notes in the code libraries that we were using said, “Without the return bug, JASS would be a retarded limited scripting language.” This comment stuck with me for years at the back of my mind. But in the 2009 patch, Blizzard Entertainment decided to remove the “return bug” from Warcraft 3 so that all previously created custom spells that stored per-unit information could no longer function. Naturally, in a good custom race mod, we had innumerable custom spells that needed to store data per-unit. So as Patch 1.23 was released, and then Patch 1.24, I knew that I could not update “C:/THE RACE MOD” and these other replica installations of the game. Everything I had ever created would have been destroyed!But I updated my main-line Warcraft III installation, so now it could continue to edit the object data but it couldn’t work on the triggers for our custom races. This it got under my skin, you know?

Thousands upon thousands of lines of JASS in my project sat locked into the past. When I played the mod with my cousins and family, which was becoming an increasingly rare occurrence, I had to provide them with an entire copy of the game installation for the included mod content.But I had not even really previously understood the return bug. All I understood was “AttachObject”. We had the ability to link a Unit into the context of a Timer. This had been used extensively in the spell templates from Vexorian that the custom code for the mod had started from. (I did not know Vexorian personally and he does not endorse this project – I was using a publicly available online resource).Blizzard of 2009 talked to Vexorian when they removed this “return bug” because they knew it would destroy thousands of hours of development time on custom user maps and mods.

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Vexorian gave them this idea to implement Hashtables as a solution to the problem. I didn’t really understand that, so I did a lot of reading and came to understand that they could assign a Unit to the context of a Timer also, but that the API was entirely different. Vexorian released an updated version of the code libraries that we used for Patch 1.23 and then Patch 1.24.

At first, this looked like it could be the solution to all of my troubles.But it was not the solution. Vexorian had become obsessed with the idea of better technology and worked with others to create a World Editor Hack. This hack used a transcompiler to convert non-Warcraft-3-code into Warcraft-3-code.

His updated system was not written in JASS. This meant that I could not update our JASS files for my custom mod content to use the newer version of Vexorian’s Caster System.

We were stuck using the data storage mechanisms of the Caster System version 13, and Patch 1.22 – and I could tell if I continued my project it was going to be this way for a long time. Possibly forever.So I began to have many copies of Warcraft 3 on my computer. It was clear that I needed these backups in order to maintain my project and the things that I enjoyed. After a few years, and lost for focus somewhat, I worked on another RPG personal project where I used Vexorian’s caster system, but I tried to use the newer one for Patch 1.24 while porting forward a few specific spells and abilities from the old mod.By 2011-2012 I was still stuck on the pre-2009 patch versions, and now several of my favorite spells were working on this custom RPG test map. It was a little too much to handle, I felt like, surely my content could still work on Patch 1.24 and now it was Patch 1.26, although there was no outward difference. It was WARCRAFT content, why shouldn’t it work?So I had this day somewhere in there when I went a little bit crazy. All of the custom scripts for the mod project were stored in a file called “Blizzard.j” that was used as an override for the Warcraft 3’s games original melee map scripts.

Warcraft 3 mapsWarcraft

Our override version was two or three times the size of the original one included in the game, and included the old JASS libraries from Vexorian as well as all these years of code that I had written.So I created a folder called CSDeath. I remember thinking to myself it was time to make the script file called “CSDeath Blizzard”. The idea was simple. I had to port these tens of thousands of lines of code to use Hashtables instead of CSCache and CSTable. There was no one in the world who would help me. No update from Vexorian that would ever support the old design concepts.To my amazement, because I targeted support for the underlying CSCache API by using hashtables, instead of trying to make something entirely new for each custom spell (which would have been a humanly insane amount of work) I was able to get this ported version running on Patch 1.26 in about 24 hours of work.CSDeath Blizzard was the opening of a new era in my life.

I could be relevant again. After years of being locked in the past, I could mod for that new Patch 1.26.

And it was around this time that I posted Heaven’s Fall, what had originally been this family mod, as an online project playable for other people who had Warcraft 3 installed. Using a SEMPQ, and then eventually the MultiRace Template (which was similar and just injected an additional MPQ into the Warcraft 3 game on startup) I was able to release a Game Mod again for players to play that would add our 6 best custom races on any melee map. This was the golden era for me. CSDeath Blizzard, an insane code port based on bits and pieces of ideas from that RPG map, saved my childhood.So then I made even more copies of my Warcraft 3 game installation. Every single flash drive had a copy of HeavensFall.exe, essentially a second expansion to Warcraft 3 that we could play separate from “Frozen Throne.exe” or “Warcraft III.exe”.

My Windows 7 computer stopped booting, but the hard drive remained intact. So I moved my Maps folder and now I was often working in “Maps/Maps/FrozenThrone/Maps/” because I had simply nested the backups. And each Maps folder had a copy of “Download” containing effectively a sample of half of all of my Warcraft 3 map playing history – all of the incoming ones.I began to have a need for consistency. As I learned some basic programming, my “HeavensFall.exe” soon included “HeavensFallLauncher.exe” that would do basic file downloads of new versions of the mod off of my personal Dropbox account. It was junk code, but it worked.Across these years, I had tried to manage my Warcraft 3 installations. On my “F:” expansion hard drive, I had created “F:/Warcrafts” where I meant to keep the copies of Warcraft 3 as much as possible. But even this didn’t sate the need for some form of consistent solution.

Eventually, to edit my mod, I would simply use the contents of the MPQ that were downloaded from the public Dropbox folder that the HeavensFallLauncher.exe used. Because these were the files for public release, they were always the latest even when my other organization systems failed me. The only place where this wasn’t true was the Object Editor data. I used external applications to convert this data to SLK in the mod to make it load quickly and to allow users to make Custom Units off of our additional units in the modded World Editor. However, editing SLK is not possible in the World Editor.

So I always had a copy of the original.w3u/.w3a/.w3t (etc) changeset in a mod data map. Other than that, I kept the extracted version of the mod MPQ as “ModDevelopment/Archive” because it became apparent to me through empirical experimentation that the MPQ systems perform better when you create a new MPQ each time that you change your MPQ contents, rather than trying to do this idea of “editing an existing MPQ” where you write to the same exact file. Even the World Editor regenerates a new MPQ for the map file from a folder when you save a map, I realized.I was modding Warcraft in ways beyond my wildest dreams, and it was fabulous. I went to college to study computer science and at the same time maintained this game mod. Then in the summer 2014, having transitioned primarily to playing this Heaven’s Fall game mod of mine with online Warcraft 3 users instead of family, who now had grown up I was beginning to have doubts about life. Did I care about Warcraft 3 or was I just a troll?

During the late-term development of the mod, I had created a tool called Matrix Eater to help myself work and avoid interaction with linear algebra matrices in Warcraft 3 models. This made it phenomenally easier for me to make derivative model files from the original Warcraft 3 content. With my newfound powers, I decided to do a remake/remaster of my mod project. “Heaven’s Fall v2” I called it. I knew I was better and faster than my past self, and I set a deadline of 6 months in the future with a countdown clock available on the mod’s Hive Workshop thread.People began to anticipate things. They began to post on the thread in deep anticipation for what was behind my countdown clock. I thought this would let me prove myself whether I truly cared about Warcraft 3.But when my deadline came, I had only finished reworking a single one of the custom races that I had made – and Heaven’s Fall was supposed to have 6 of them.

My Warcraft 3 modding felt lost. I had failed, and favored hanging out with friends and eating long, chatty dinners with buddies in college.So then came Patch 1.27. It changed nothing. I could run HeavensFall.exe on Patch 1.27 with only a few small changes, by including a previous version of game.dll to support the MultiRace Template.But then Patch 1.28 came around.

This forced me to make even more backups of my Warcraft 3 game, since Patch 1.28 killed the JNGP application (which despite my better nature and horrible experiences being without JASS updates from Vexorian, I had started to use, for ease of use). This was because it no longer loaded the “font” directory for critical game information, so that directory was removed. As a result, the MultiRace Template also stopped working – same problem, “font” directory missing.Patch 1.28 also forced user maps and user files into “Documents” without asking, which was clearly antithetical to having so many copies of Warcraft 3, as they could no longer be self contained and could no longer keep version-relevant map files in their own “Maps” subfolder of the game installation.From that point on I did not make too many backups of the game itself. By forcing every future version of the game client to write and read from the same Maps directory, Blizzard was making a declaration that they were going to support all the maps in one singular version going forward. So it would be antithetical to their changes to make a backup of the game. Blizzard added a launcher to Warcraft 3 and it was clear that they were developing something where they wanted to be in control, and they wanted users to have only one working copy. By Patch 1.30, when the game stopped using MPQ files, however, it was clear to me that change was favored over stability, so I began to back up my game client frequently once again.

Maps Warcraft 3 Naruto

Retera:Okay, no offense Alec2cool but i did something similar and here’s how it went for me:I am not sure this relates to their problem.They are having issues with World Editor.exe opening their map file. @DrSuperGoodWell, alright. Your response is certainly much more rational, and more likely to be helpful if indeed the original post was made with sincerity.@Alec2coolThink of it this way: as long as you DID NOT save the blank map information that you see when you attempt to Open your old map, and so this blank information was not written over top of your original map file(s), then that would mean someone else in the Warcraft III Modding community will almost certainly be able to save your map file. You might inquire on the Hive Workshop. That forum, specifically, allows users to upload map files and related content as an attachment to any forum post.

In that way, you could make a post containing the map and then a more experienced user could reply with the fixed, restored map file.Thus far, you have not given us any technical details beyond the fact that all of your data is gone. Other users cannot experiment to confirm or deny this statement unless they, too, have access to the map file and the data in question.Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.

Original W3m Maps Warcraft 3 Divide Y Conquista


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