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Here is the list of new comics, trade paperbacks and more shipping on 4/10/2013. As always, check with your retailer for availability, as not all releases may be on sale in all areas at the same time.

Here is what’s on my pull-list this week.In ‘The Walking Dead’ #109, Maggie and Sophia pick up the pieces and continue their lives at the hilltop as we finally check in on them after the horrific events of issue #100. It’s easy to forget about those who are left behind without their loved ones.

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People are so busy trying to stay alive that they forget about others who have been damaged, ruined, or left to the pain of their own memories.The super hero survivors of the Ultron devastation follow a trail to the Savage Land in the hopes of finding a way to survive or turn the tide of the Ultron apocalypse. But with half the Marvel heroes dead, what chance do any of the survivors have? Brian TudorOne of Brian’s earliest Sci-Fi memory is the Rancor from Jedi, even before that he could be seen running around the yard with an imaginary Luke Skywalker and stuffed Chewbacca in tow, fighting the dark side. Frank Herbert’s Dune further refined his Sci-Fi taste and the love affair was set in place.

Fantastic Four V01 - New Departure, New Arrivals Dig

It was the discovery of comic books and superheroes that put him over the edge. After a brief hiatus from comics, Kevin Smith’s run on Green Arrow brought him back to the land of tights, flight, super speed and gadgets galore!


Currently, his home office is littered with action figures, Lego, and, comic book, all threatening to overtake him at any time.

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