Warcraft 3 Frozen Warez
Do you have the cd key(s)?. Sign up for a Blizzard Account and then log in. Link:. Under 'Games & Codes', click 'Add a Game Key'. Link:. Type in your RoC cd key, then click 'Redeem Code'. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with your TFT key too.
Return to the Summary page if you are not automatically taken there. I have registered at and have put my games on that account cd key and everything. Downloaded WC3 ROC and installed perfectly fine.
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Download
I saved it to my desktop and installed it into the programs folder and did perfectly fine. But when i tried to download my FT i saved the client to my desktop just like ROC, but when i run it for FT it can't start downloading and says 'There was a problem authenticating your download. Please go to to start a new download. It's just a small vicious circle of fails.
Any advice?. Says. I need some assistance, which is somewhat related to new install. I have legal RoC and TFT CD-keys but my connection is not the best with Battle.net since I live in South America.a) I like playing with Garena, but I can't make it work on Windows7 (it doesn't launch the game)?
Do you have any clue how I could make it work?b) Is there a way to find the map editor in other languages (spanish)? I want to teach basic programming to a friend and I feel the World Editor GUI is excellent to explain the logic behind programming.On a side note, I really like how you correct people's grammar and spelling.
Both English and Spanish suffer the same problems as people simply don't care about their writing skills anymore. Says. Certainly:)I feel sooo far behind, I'm barely learning Java and Visual Basic and I'm 27, you are like 20 and already know so many computer languages.
Any tricks or tips on how to speed up my learning? Tutorials, guides, projects I'm smart so just throw anything at me, I'll figure it out.Well back on the topic, Garena doesn't work even if I run it as an administrador I also tried using various compatibility modes without any success, any other suggestions? Garena itself (Chat, etc) works, it simply doesn't launch the game, and I'm did set the correct application path. Says. And I'm not even 20 yet:)Tricks I watched every video tutorial I could find. E-mail: I sent you a somewhat funny one. Exactly as you requested it.:)Time zone won't be the biggest issue here, it will be me.I don't have a mic.
I've not been putting any effort into practicing my pronunciation for some reasonFrom about three years ago I had always wanted to talk to people through VoIP, but the only things I managed to do are installing Ventrillo and eavesdropping on channels until I got kicked for being 'suspiciously silent' (well how am I supposed to make noise without a mic text-to-speech?). I also have Skype. QPGunflame Says. Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously, just seeing the exact error message would help me loads in solving your problem.I have two guesses:Either the 'me' in that error refers to a player who calls himself 'me' in order to play a joke on people like you.Or you experienced a disconnect and are now forced to wait 15-60 minutes for battle.net to catch up.The first part of your comment was really nice and spell-checked, but the second part is a mess and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Do you suffer from ADHD? (short attention span).
Dota addicted Says. I have banned (Dota addicted) from making new comments.Dota addicted:sorry Im not from a country speaking english Im from the philippinesMe neither.
I learnt English just like every other european has to.Dota addicted:how can I download that torrentCan you Google?Darkterror The Faceless Void master user:Hey whats up can I get some help downloading that torrent Ill wait for your reply dude.You fail. Same IP, same style.Darkterror The Faceless Void master user:hey Dota addicted you have the same problem as I have nice Im not alone in this.Well, obviously you two have the same problem.
You two are the same person.Dota addicted:Look you have got to fight me and please if you have a GG arena add me My name is DH-(Milavod) and please only talk to me at GG arenaChallenging yourself to a 1v1? Pathetic.Darkterror The Faceless Void master user:Sure why not Ill stop spamming now sorry bye ill wait for your reply 3ice.Here it is: Banned.summer:WHEN U R READING THIS DON'T STOP OR SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN! MY NAME IS SUMMER I AM 15 YEARS OLD i have BLONDE HAIR,MANY SCARS no NOSE OR EARS.
THIS IS NO JOKE SOMETHING GOOD WILL HAPPEN TO U IF YOU POST THIS ON 5 MORE PAGESFail.Im rain:Hey 3ice Im warcrafts No.5 fan and I had a problem I cannot make my warcraft work I had a computer engineer to make warcraft work but it had the same problem all over again after 3 days of usingSame IP again. Fail. ooja92 Says. Can't read that simple step by step guide I posted?What is your problem exactly?You just wrote a bunch of useless info like:'I have cdkeys for both tft and roc.' → Who doesn't?' I have two tft cds.'
→ Waste of money?' I have full game installed on laptop.' → Good for you?' I have full game installed on old hard drive with different cdkeys than laptop.' I have newharddrive, (old one died)' → So the above statement is a LIE (or should have been in past tense!)?' How do i make this happen.'
→ Make what happen?thanks a bunch → You are welcome?. Balrog Says. You should be able to run both programs at the same time.
I'm guessing your PC doesn't have enough RAM or HDD space.I did a quick test and right now I am running the RoC downloader, the TFT downloader and the RoC installer all at the same time. The only limitation (which is perfectly logical and should not work any other way) is that you can't install TFT unless you have RoC already installed (which I don't).Without you putting in some effort (typing down the exact error message) I am not able to help you. Why can't you tell us the exact error message? In the 'for some reason' the exact reason is very important in figuring out the problem! No error message → no help. Hippyia Says. 3ICE,i wanted to leave this comment to commend you on your spectacular computer knowledge.additionally, im planning on purchasing SC2 when my money is right, ($60 -sigh-)and had a question pertaining to whether or not 'botting and/or hacking gameplay' would be as abundant as it used to be in SC1, seeing as how you are obviously aware of how to do such things im sure.secondly, is it super badass?
Hahaand finally, whats your user name? When i do purchase SC2, maybe we could go a round or 2 =P.
Says. Not the right place to post this. Anyway, hackers are unbeatable, there is no 100% secure system.
So yes, of course SC2 is going to see maphacks, drophacks, and other exploits very soon after release. Blizzard can fight the hackers, and as long as they do, we don't have to worry about long-term widespread hacking.
As soon as a hack gets too popular, blizzard will patch the game. The problem with war3 is that it has turned into a legacy game for Blizzard. They no longer have a full developer team assigned to it and the legacy team is much slower at responding to new issues.I hope you meant bots like glider and gold seller spambots, because nobody should have any problem with regular chat- and hostbots. They actually help the community a great deal.
I have close to zero SC1 experience by the way. My first Blizzard game was Warcraft 3.Yes, SC2 is badass. In fact, it is so badass I can't even play it. My computer is very old and I can't afford all the upgrades I need. (Got a videocard already, now just need a PSU and a motherboard.)I did, however manage to register an account: I tricked the game into believing I have what it takes to run it, then I spent almost an hour accepting the EULAs it threw at me. (The lag was a killer here.) Since the screen was frozen and I had no visible mouse cursor, I had to use an overlay that 'pings' the position of my mouse whenever I press a hotkey. (That lagged like a bitch as well) Since we have to scroll down before being able to accept the EULA, I moved my mouse inch by inch in a general direction towards the scrollbar, until the overlay reported that I'm over it.
(Overshot it twice.) I then held down my left mouse button for 2 minutes. (That's how long it took the game to register my click.) And with a swift downwards motion and two more minutes of waiting for the game to generate a new frame (That's 0.0083 FPS by the way.) the EULA was finally 'read'. I used the method described above to now position my mouse over the I accept button and clicked it for two minutes, then did the same steps with the second agreement. Registering an account after the EULA nightmare felt like a piece of cake as I could finally use my keyboard.
Of course I knew from the beta that Battle.net 2.0 is going to be a regression and disappointment compared to 1.0 (2.0 is also called Battle.net 0.5 by the critics). So I wasn't even surprised when I was told how invalid my name was. So I can't be '3ICE', what am I to do? I went for the pronunciation; 'Thrice'. I was also assigned a three digit whatchamacallit that I'm going to hate forever as it is coincidentally the three numbers I had in my super awesome alphanumerical password.
Was it a coincidence? Anyway, I changed my password to something else and doubled its length just to be sure, then uninstalled the game. (There is no use having it installed until I can actually run it.)tl;dr version: Blizzard,.p.s.: Another fun story about how I walked 10 miles in the middle of the night to be there at launch on the 27th will be told on another day. The event was fun, some lucky guys even got a free CE by winning in a quiz that I knew all answers to. Too bad I couldn't participate.
(There was a raffle, my chance of winning a ticket for the quiz was 1:1000). nguyen Says.
Dear 3ice, I purchased wc3 via batte.net a couple weeks ago and today I have just reinstalled it using the same cd key. While still logged on to the same battle.net account I tried to register the game after installation. It took me to battle.net (already logged in to my account with the registered game) and I typed in the same cd key and it said it's been claimed (obviously by me). So my battle.net account is registered but my reinstalled game isn't so I can't play online.
Sheep tag is not the same without the shepards chasing you. So how can I get the game registered and or you seem to have a way of poofing up serial keys if you could give me one to easily fix this but if not how do I fix this. Xaralabos Says. Well i got a problem too - i download a cracked version of War3 Roc-TFT so i can play it without Cd's - when i start install them they appear do not need cd keys and after instilation i use a cd changer program so i can put mine cd keys on both Roc-TFT - after that when i try to login to europe battlenet server it say 'unable to login,if u are using a modem check your internet connection.' (i try to login on europe before i put mine cd keys but it was need them)(also i can login on other servers us.east-west) plz if there is anythink wrong with mine cracked version plz send me a link with a fixed version about europe and post a step-by-step tutorial becose mine mind realy stuck.
Says. Fwebby: You don't have to register your copy of the game online again when reinstalling.
You have already done it once. Have you even tried running it yet? Out of the box. Registration is optional anyway. You might have connection issues, but those are not related to online registration.Xaralabos: I'm not reading that mess of a comment you spewed there.
Get a spell checker and put more effort into your next comment. Or don't come back.To anyone looking for free cd keys: Google 'free wc3 cd key' and try a couple from a random page.
To all skeptics saying no: It is definitely possible. It might take a few hours to find one that works and isn't always in use though. LDeew Says. Well I had to crack,because otherwise I can't open the game. How to check if my cd-key is banned?I am sorry for double/triple posts, but I don't have an edit option.
Okey, after surfing a bit I think I found the solution for my problem. Few guys mentioned that they fixed this error just by patching. Now the main problem is what patches to download? I have 1.07, and I am pretty sure I can't go directly from 1.07 to 1.26a? What patch to download first?Edited by 3ICE: Merged doublepost.
Says. Hi,You can download the torrent above. (Easiest solution)If you have the CD case or the manual, you can snail-mail it in to Blizzard HQ along with 10$, to get a replacement CD.
Instructions are here: See edit below. (Yes, that article is about a different error message than what you are receiving, but the replacement method is the same for every error.)But that would not invalidate your old cd key and you still won't be able to register it with your battle.net account. Which is bad.So, if you request your current cd key to be invalidated instead, you would not get a new CD, but you could download the full installer legally from your battle.net account here: I think that's the way to go.
(Or just torrent it.)–3ICEEdited by 3ICE: They just removed that article and replaced it with with a generic 'contact us for help' one. It looks like now all you need is a photo of the receipt and the case/manual for a new CD key. I have archived the old instructions here, in case you want to follow them instead:Mailing Information:- We suggest you use some form of tracking to make sure your mail gets to Blizzard Entertainment. If we do not receive your package we can not send the replacement.- For all situations please fill out this Packing Form. (That form was removed as well. I found a copy.)- Note: There will be no charge to replace your CD-Key as long as you send in the original CD-Case with the original CD-Key sticker attached to it. Once we receive your package, we will disable the existing CD-Key and assign you a new one and return it to you by mail.
You will need to mail in the CD case for the replacement CD-Key to the P.O. Box listed below.- If the CD case is missing then there will be a fee of $10 for your key replacement. In this instance, the existing key will not be disabled.
You can send the manual or game CD with a $10 US dollar money order for each CD-Key replacement, no personal check or cash will be accepted. If it has been less than 90 days since you have purchased the game and you include a copy of the sales receipt showing the purchase date within 90 days, the $10 fee will be waived.- Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing and return shipping.Please send all necessary materials to the following address:CD-Key ReplacementBlizzard EntertainmentP.O. Box 18979Irvine, CA 92623–3ICE.
aboy Says. I have both authentic cd-keys to both roc and tft.2.
They both worked perfectly fine until a few days ago.3. I lost my cd for tft, so i tried heaps of diff ways and eventually i signed up on bnet and downloaded the game client? And they both installed fine but my bnet still doesnt work:( all the other servers (asia, europe, us east work fine tho)when i click on bnet themessage (please check your internet connection etc) pops up.i tried changing the registry and re-installing, downloaded a lcd file and tried the cd-key changer and so on.Is there any way to make bnet work for us-west?much thanks in advance.-sorry for the long post //Oh btw. My net connection is fine and i have no programs or firewall blocking roc and tft.
Ive also never gave away my cd key or anything like that.thanks.Edited by 3ICE: Merged doublepost. Says. It's probably legit, yeah.
As in: You'll get a cd key for your money and it even has a good chance to work.As for legal? Hell no.Cd keys are usually not 'used game sales', they are more likely 'stolen game sales'.I have thousands of useless CD keys too. If I was an entrepreneur, I'd have tried selling them for 1-2$ each too, on an anonymous website. But it's too much trouble for too little gain. And if I was caught, the fine is much higher then the possible profit.Look for a used box copy, get your cd keys that way. Safer. Grid 2 Keygen Says.
Hey there,I have downloaded 3 different DOTA Warcraft III torrents. (I wonder if that would be a problem when im patching, cuz IDK how im supposed to specify which torrent to patch) I've downloaded 3 diff torrents cuz im not sure which one will work fine.I have read this whole blog regarding downloading dota and have concluded that i need to patch it now. Im also downloading the 1.26a TFT patch for dota. But this blog also talks about TFT and ROC keys, what are they and how do I obtain them. Please guide me if im doing something wrong or uneccesary and what should I do to correct my mistakes.
And where do I use TFT and ROC keys?Thanks–Also do I need to do ANYTHING with deamon tools? Thanks.Edited by 3ICE: Merged doublepost. Says.
Hi, the dota torrents are different and my blog post doesn't cover them because I don't like them. Before I started paying for my video games, I've always preferred getting the most popular torrent for just the base game itself, and then getting the latest version of any mods separately from the original source. There is no reason to torrent something that's already free, like the dota custom map or downloadable patches.
The version of dota you torrented is likely very old. As are the patches that came with it.Anyway, enough rambling, here's the solution for your question:You don't need to separately / manually patch these dota torrents, they come with a patch sufficiently recent already. There is a readme file included that explains everything. Most likely you'll need to install the game, then run the patch.exe that came with the torrent. And join the private server(s) listed in the readme, of course.Torrents come with either a list of cd keys or a keygen, so look for your roc and tft keys in the readme file.
Or for the two keygens in the /crack/ folder.No, D-Tools should work out of the box just fine. You can double click the.iso file and have it mounted by D-Tools automatically. ebb Says. Are you lost?
How is a word corruption problem related to a blog post about legally downloading a strategy video game? Edit: Never mind, I see you tried to contact me via wikipedia, email, and the too.Furthermore, I find it funny how you are already writing a dissertation with grammar and immaturity level you demonstrated above.Either way, here is your fixed document:If you were serious about the money, send it to or click this donation link:–3ICEp.s.: What did I remove?An r and a k from after line 27118: r kAnd an ε from after line 27711: ε. linh Says. Welcome back!I'm 3ICE on all 4 realms, and I made Clan 3ICE on US East where most of my friends used to play.Help came passively, in the form of archived threads on wc3c, thw, and other sites in Google's index.
If I had a question that hasn't been asked before, I had to figure it out alone.I ceased work on all my projects for now. I have a lot of todo lists, one for each map, but no motiation to do them now for the dwindling playerbase that is left.Sincerely,Daniel '3ICE' Berezvai. help Says. Hi,Is LAN an option? If not then you can still play together via this trick:One of you connects to US East.The other connects to US West.Or any other setup. (Europe/USEast is my favorite combination because I'm from Hungary.)Why does this work?
Because luckily, the same cd key can be used four times at once, on the four realms. (Once on each realm.)Then all you need to do is find a hostbot that hosts its games on both those realms and join the same game on your separate realms.
(My hostbots are on all 4 realms.)Sincerely,Daniel. Kostas Says.
Kostas: You don't need your CD.:) My Laptop doesn't have a drive either, I took it out in favor of an SSD. I was able to install and update Warcraft 3 without any problems. And I can play it still.
Yes, Warcraft 3 installed on an SSD is lightning fast!kb61: Someone claimed your CD keys for themselves and is sitting on them. Try and fail to add the keys to your Battle.net account then you will be able to click through some links until you reach a way to contact Blizzard support.
They'll happily ban your current set of keys and give you a new pair or two, free of charge. You'll just need proof of purchase. (I still have my receipt for this reason, after 10 years! The ink has all but faded though)Edited by 3ICE: kb61, is it possible that you yourself claimed the keys already to a different battle.net account? Reclaim those accounts then. Look through your email for 'Battle.net Account Password Recovery'.
David Says. It is possible.Back up all your replays, maps, and other files you have in your Warcraft folder that you want to keep.Go to Battle Net and log in to your accountClick Manage my gamesIf you skipped step 2 you might have to log in again (this is for added safety)Click Games & Codes - Add a game keyInput all your CD keys one by oneNow you can download these games from Battle.netAnd what's awesome about this is that you can find a small (change) button next to the language. (Likely will be French (FR) for you) Pick any language you want.
English is allowed for all variants, some other language changes are limited. Can't change it to Russian if your CD key is for a French version for example. But English will be there.Download the now English installerUninstall your French Warcraft IIIRun the new English installerRestore your backed up maps and other files.Done!In the past you had to do much more. Converter (USConvSetup.exe), English patch (War3TFT126aEnglish.exe), the mpq files had to be changed, it took a while, etc. SkissorsWolf Says. I already paid 10 dollars for it by credit card. From the battle.net website as Imentioned in my previous post I downloaded this game from my battle.net account but it asked me for A CD key when I tried installing it which I obviously didn’t have because I purchase it online.
I spent hours trying to find out where the CD Key was. It was not on the website where I purchase the game it was not in my battle.net account it was not in any of the files that came with the Game installer at least none I could read or find I finally gave up and use A CD key from this website. Says. Hello again dearest Anthony,We last talked.I assume you are the same Anthony, even though since then you've switched internet providers from exetel.com.au to iinet.net.au anyway, nice to hear from you again.Tech support people hate hearing 'had an error' with no details attached. What we would like more is seeing the exact wording of these mysterious error messages.
And perhaps all your relevant log files as well, if it's not too much to ask. Thank you for your comment.Simply update the game to the latest version and it will no longer ask for the CD.You will have to update the game without launching it (auto updater won't work) because you don't have a CD. To do this, manually download the patch file fromThis was all explained in step 11: 'Or to skip the disk check, manually patch Warcraft 3 to the latest version.' P.s.: You could also download a different, newer torrent of WC3. Most recent ones include patch 1.26, 1.28, or are specifically for DotA 1, or are preconfigured to work with (a) specific private server(s).
Liam Says. It's strange, but you say that you have to have the latest patch to not bother with a CD, right? I just patched to 6.30, after I realised that there was a new patch and after patching, I now can't use my Frozen Throne anymore (it says that mss32.dll is missing and then tells me I need a cd, when I never needed one before). I don't really need any help in particular, because I'll figure out a way to get it running, or I'll buy it off Blizzard again, but I just found it to be somewhat strange. Says. Reinstall your audio driver. Or Warcraft 3 itself.
Details: mss32.dll is usually installed by the game's installer. The mss32.dll file is the Miles Sound System dll (dynamic link library). It enables sound files to be loaded into applications that use music and sound effects. (For instance mss32.dll is necessary for 'WinAmp' and other audio players.) War3 too.By the way;There is no 6.30 — in fact if you google 'patched to 6.30 war3' with:Google will say: 'Did you mean 1.30?'
Including results for 'patched to 1.30 war3'(Search only for 'patched to 6.30 war3')And:Missing: '6.30' Must include: 6.30It's not even a dota version, the best result for 'patched to +'6.30' war3' is:Spectre which was introduced in the same patch Rumor has it that to quench the gamers' desires of 6.30, IceFrog hastily rushed Tagline:MSS32.DLL, FILE DESCRIPTION: MILES SOUND SYSTEM. Says. P.s.: Also, here's a workaround: Update to 1.26a only, the best games are stuck there anyway, because Blizzard patched 'memhack' after 1.28. Any later patches than that also require a CD key re-entry too. But older 1.2x patches don't, as long as you have wc3 installed already.Avoid 1.29, it doubles your install size and uses the new Bnet Agent / Blizzard Launcher system.
Requires CD key.1.26 does not require CD key. As long as you have wc3 installed.The install size doubling was because Blizzard abandoned 500MB war3.mpq in favor of 1GB data.0000:(–3ICE. Parsa Says. Oh, can't help you there, as I usually deal in mass bots, and they only need RoC keys most of the time. I do have 25-50 TFT keys for Hostbots.
But hostbots are about to get killed off in patch 1.31 anyway, I think, so I'm happy to get rid of them now.So in conclusion: all my TFT keys are good quality. I don't want to throw any away by posting it online unless you're willing to pay for one? I have your email address.PayPal account:Or click this donation link:Price guideline: Whatever you can spare. But somewhere around 5€ will do. I checked G2A, they sell theirs for 7.41€ (That's 10.41€ with the stupid and almost mandatory buyer protection scam they are running). Parsa Says.
1,3 GbInfoWarcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Warcraft III is a real-time strategy.Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa.It has been nearly 15 years since the war between the orcs and humans ended. An uneasy peace settled over the land while, for years, the drums of war were silent. Yet the kingdoms of men grew complacent in their victory–and slowly, the defeated orcish clans regrouped under the banner of a new visionary leader.Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life–all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again–rising urgently toward the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire–and the world will tremble before the coming of the Burning Legion.WarCraft III returns players to the war-torn world of Azeroth. Developer Blizzard Entertainment combines the lessons learned from its bestselling StarCraft, the famous WarCraft lineage, and all-new 3-D technology to create an all-new, vibrant strategy game sure to become a classic.Wage war in a fully interactive 3-D world that incorporates nonplayer characters, wandering monsters, neutral towns, strongholds, temples, and environmental effects. Four mighty playable races–humans, orcs, night elves, and undead–compete in a finely balanced dance of conquest.
Upgradable heroes gain experience and harness new powers as the game progresses. This is WarCraft that’s intimately familiar, yet as you’ve never seen it before.