The Art Of Moving Points Epub

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The Art Of Moving Points Epub Books

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Exactly what I thought when I read this in the scan.IPC C Innru)rld Polin- ( oonim.unm C oinpirn-m thcon.a pn )L or mi/.mon pri)mim^ the I.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Art of War, by Baron De Jomini.The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Art of War, by Baron Henri de JominiThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. Pg 13 SUMMARY OF THE ART OF WAR.DEFINITION OF THE ART OF WAR.The art of war, as generally considered, consists of five purelymilitary branches,—viz.: Strategy, Grand Tactics, Logistics,Engineering, and Tactics. Statesmanship in its relation to war.2. Strategy, or the art of properly directing masses upon the theater ofwar, either for defense or for invasion.3. Grand Tactics.4. Logistics, or the art of moving armies.5. Engineering,—the attack and defense of fortifications.6.

Minor Tactics.Pg 14It is proposed to analyze the principal combinations of the first fourbranches, omitting the consideration of tactics and of the art ofengineering.Familiarity with all these parts is not essential in order to be a goodinfantry, cavalry, or artillery officer; but for a general, or for astaff officer, this knowledge is indispensable.CHAPTER I. STATESMANSHIP IN ITS RELATION TO WAR.Under this head are included those considerations from which a statesmanconcludes whether a war is proper, opportune, or indispensable, anddetermines the various operations necessary to attain the object of thewar.A government goes to war,—. Irregular troops supported by disciplined troops may be ofthe greatest value, in destroying convoys, intercepting communication,&c., and may—as in the case of the French in 1812—make a retreat verydisastrous.ARTICLE XIII. Military Institutions.One of the most important points of the military policy of a state isthe nature of its military institutions. A good army commanded by ageneral of ordinary capacity may accomplish great feats; a bad army witha good general may do equally well; but an army will certainly do agreat deal more if its own superiority and that of the general becombined.Twelve essential conditions concur in making a perfect army:—.

The Art Of Moving Points Epub Pdf

It will be recollected that the author wrote this manyyears ago, since which time the inventive genius of the age has beenattentively directed to the improvement of fire-arms. Artillery, whichhe regarded as almost perfect, has certainly undergone importantimprovements, and the improved efficiency of small arms is no lessmarked, while we hear nothing now of Perkins's steam-guns; and as yet nocivilized army has been organized upon the plan the author suggests fordepriving these destructive machines of their efficiency.—TRANSLATORS.

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