Install Ulaunch Flash Disk Komputer
Plug your memory card into the port 0 diplayer 1 memory card means that you know. Then flash plug in the usb port also his.go to mass copy and paste:/:/ BOOT.psu to mc0 gini on how to press R1 and select copy BOOT.psu file and press triangle to go back to the start menu, then go to mc0:/ press R1 and then select PsuPASTE!!! Wait until the process is complete. Masukmass:/ and then copy and paste all the files.
ELF to mc0:/ BOOT / PASTE. Finished.Keith finished eh ding. haha. now go to the folder and then click FreeMcBoot mass:/ (press circle) on file FREE MCBOOT.ELF.
You will be taken to mcboot installer, then do a normal install or multi version install. also. to finish the process and then turn off your ps2 and dislodged his tapes and CDs restart your ps2, memory card still in the plugnext after the ps2 in turn will perform his boot free McBoot. Free McBoot Configurator select and press X if there is a small information box. Then pilihConfigure OSDSYS options and select Configure. Item 1: ulaunchelf press X then1 item settingsname: uLaunchELF rename up to youpath1: mass:/ BOOT / BOOT.ELF MC0:/ BOOT / BOOT.ELFpath2: MC?:/ BOOT / BOOT.ELF delete / clearpath3: MC?:/ B?
DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF delete / clearThe above means the ' is at right ya change like the line, so the line was changed to the left as the right line. Do not forget to look at the bottom of your TV screen (red writing). There is a ps2 stick you key information eg X button: to browse, button O: to clear. Etc.if already done press triangle once then still a highlight in the configure item 1 and press the right button on the Configure item 2: ESR and press X or Ok.Item 2 settingsName: ESR rename OpenPS2Loaderpath1: MASS:/ BOOT / ESR.ELF MC0:/ BOOT/OPNPS2LD.ELFpath2: MC?:/ BOOT / ESR.ELF delete / clearpath3: MC?:/ B?
Install Ulaunch Flash Disk Komputer Windows 10
DATA-SYSTEM/ESR.ELF delete / clearpress the triangle up to the start menu on free mcBOOT configurator then select save CNF to MC0. Reset your ps2okay we continue. After you restart your ps2 and into OpenPS2Loader.
memory card. still attached.
After loading the page will appear on its OPL blue background. his. select settings and change this line.USB devices start off change to auto modeHDD device start off change to auto modethen finish / ok and select save looking for a game that would stay in place to flash / hddownload.
Will automatically decrypt dvd to dvd-r target youon the mode iso check Read R. Then select the menu File Decrypt and wait until the process is complete. If the file copy process is complete.
Iso from dvd Decrypter into flash or HDD but before you first make a folder with the name of the DVD danCD in flash or HDD you. Iso earlier in the paste in the folder on flashhdisk DVD / HDD you.
After the copy process is completed, then copy and paste the program that you downloaded earlier iso2OPLSCAN copy to flash and then double click the program. And sorted out deh, wrote just plug the stick into your ps2 and turn on the ps2 and into openPS2loader and just select the list that you want the game to play.
Jumpa kembali dengan iseng iseng ngeBLOG dalam postingan yang berantakan, kali ini saya mau berbagi tentang cara kuno untuk memainkan Game dari Flashdisk pada PS2 walau disadari PS2 dimata dunia udah gak jaman lagi namun bagi orang seperti saya PS2 masih tergolong barang yang mahal dan masih Modern hanya saja sedikit kendala pada CD Game PS2 jaman sekarang yang sering kita jumpai di pasaran CD Game hampir semuanya bajakan atau sebut saja kurang bermutu alias tidak awet dan berpotensi Kerusakan pada Optic PS itu sendiri. Untuk menghindari itu maka sebaiknya kita simpan saja permainan itu dalam Flashdisk.Menyimpan permainan dalam flashdisk harus punya cara cara khusus Agar nantinya Game itu bisa dimainkan kembali pada saat Flashdisk di colok pada PS2. Baiklah kita Liat cara-cara di bawah iniBAHAN1. Software/file- ELF psu Download - DVDdecrypter Download - Ulaunch.iso Download - iso20PLSCAN File Ada di dalam DVDdecrypter 2.
Memory card (Memory PS2)3. CD (Piringan kosong) CDR4. Flashdisk 4GB (atau lebih)5. Disc Game PS2 (kaset permainan PS2)TRICK (PC)1. Burn ulaunch.iso ke CDR. DONE (keluarkan)2.
Masukkan flashdisk pada PC lalu buka windows explorer pilih drive flash disk lalu klik kanan pilih format Fat32 star. Copy semua file yang ada pada.ELFPSU (extract dulu) ke dalam flashdisk4. Buat folder DVD dan CD pada flashdisk5. Masukkan disc game PS2 kedalam PC lalu buka DVDdecrypter pilihMode iso centang Read R kemudian menu File decrypt tungguHingga proses selesai kemudian copy file.iso dan paste kedalamFolder DVD pada flashdisk6. Copy Program iso20PLSCAN dan paste ke dalam flashdisk lalu double klik. Beres (saatnya menuju PS2)NB: Langkah No.5 adalah cara memasukkan Game kedalam flashdiskTRICK (PS2)1.
Masukkan CDR (hasil burning) ke PS2 tapi biasanya sulit terbaca (lakukan pengulangan sampai terbaca)2. Masukkan (colok) memory card pada slot1 (player 1) lalu flasdisk pada port usb (slot 1)3. Masuk ke mass:/ copy BOOT.psu dan paste ke mc0:/(tekan R1 pada file BOOT.psu lalu pilih copy dan tekan segi tiga untuk kembali ke menu awal kemudian masuk ke mc0:/ tekan R1 pilih PsuPASTE. Tunggu proses sampai selesai)4.
Masuk ke mass:/ copy semua file ELF buka mc0:/BOOT/ lalu paste5. Buka folder mass:/FreeMcBoot tekan bundar pada file FREE MCBOOT.ELF kemudian pilih normal install atau multi version install (tunggu proses selesai) lalu matikan PS2 keluarkan CDR nya hidupkan kembali6. Pilih Free McBooth Configuration (tekan X jika keluar kotak keterangan) kemudian Configure OSDSYS option configure item 1 tekan X kemudianitem 1 settingName:ulaunchELF ganti menjadi RelicMayoztpath 1:mass:BOOT/BOOT.ELF ganti menjadi MC0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELFPath 2:MC?:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF di hapus ( biasanya tekan bundar)Path 3:MC?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/BOOT.ELF di hapus (biasanya tekan bundar) atau lihat keterangan key stick pada layar TV bagian bawah (tulisan warna merah)7. Tekan segi tiga satu kali (masih sorot configure item 1) pencet arah kanan pada bagian configure item 2: ESR tekan X atao OKItem 2 settingName:ESR ganti menjadi OpenPS2LoaderPath1:MASS:/BOOT/ESR.ELF ganti menjadi MC0:/BOOT/OPNPS2LD.ELFPath2:MC?:/ BOOT/ESR.ELF di hapusPath3:MC?:/B?DATA-SYSTEM/ESR.ELF di hapus8. Tekan segi tiga hingga ke menu awal pada freemcBOOT configurator pilih save CNF to MC0.FINISH.
Restart PS29. Buka OpenPS2Loader settingUSB device start mode off ganti menjadi autoHDD device start mode off ganti menjadi autoSekian dan Terima kasih.