Games For All Nokia
As Microsoft's low-end family of Android-powered devices has recently grown in size , it seems more than natural that Redmond is giving away some freebies to the users of the Nokia X family. This time, the tech giant has teamed up with Gameloft, one of the largest publishers of mobile games, in order to procure its latest promotion. The latter has made several of its games available for free for all Nokia X devices (, and the ) until August 31.The games in question are only three, but then again, they are not only available for free, but also come with some premium in-game content right out of the box, so Nokia X users shouldn't raise their voices. If you are on the verge of the World Cup craze, then Gameloft's Real Football 2014 should fulfill your craving for even more football (or soccer, as they call it in the US).
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If the most popular sport in the world is not your thing, though, Asphalt 8: Airborne (with included Prime Car Pack, yay!) might turn out to be another pretty decent offering for all gearheads that sport a Nokia X derivative. Still, if neither football, nor racing float your boat, then Dungeon Hunter 4, Gameloft's popular fantasy RPG, might be exactly your thing.The games and the included free content are normally worth around EUR 40 ($55). In order to get the freebies, one should open Nokia Store and tap the Exclusive Free Offer category, which can be found in the Collections tab. Then each of the aforementioned games can be downloaded for free.What do you make of Microsoft and Gameloft's promotion? The new Nokia/Microsoft 'X2' smart could probably run these games because it has a better CPU and more Ram than the previous 3- X Phones. Folks Microsoft spent 7 billion dollars to buy most of Nokia mobile smart phone/Cell phone assets.
Games For All Nokia Arena
To get back it's investment money Microsoft WILL continue to make Their Windows smart phones and sell the New 'X' Android open source OS smart Phones. Look for an American Version of the X2 to go on sale in the USA before the Christmas shopping season. It will probably have a Pure vue camera on it, a more Powerful CPU and a front facing Camera and the other Goodies a smart phone should have.
Games For All Nokia 8
It will Probably cost more than the Nokia/Microsoft 'X2' However if Microsoft wants it to be a high sales success Microsoft must put the software in their Android Open source OS that will at least allow people to access and use Google play store Apps. It could be called the 'X3'posted on Jul 09, 2014, 6:53 AM 0.
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Old Nokia Games List
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